Fitness and Nutrition Resources We Like

We are studying Fitness Physiology (Anatomy and Physiology will follow next year for most of us) and Nutrition using DVD lectures from  We found these courses when they were on special and paid a fraction of the full price for them.  If you are considering using, think well in advance and get on their mailing list (they will send you tons of stuff, but it’s worth it to get the special offers when you need them).  The materials we’re using are really excellent, but the full-price is pretty steep.  We paid about 20% of the full price when we ordered them a few months back in preparation for this year.

FitnessPhysiologyPhysiology and Fitness with Dean Hodgkin of the University of Portsmouth

This series is both intellectual and practical.  We are learning things with our brains and putting them into practice with our bodies.  All of us (moms, too!) have set fitness and wellness goals for this school year, and the students are helping to coach the moms in the pursuit of these goals.  Strength, flexibility, cardio-vascular fitness, coordination and overall wellness/life-balance are all being addressed.

Dean Hodgkin is wonderful — very watchable!  The lectures are interspersed with activity segments.

And his British accent is delightful!  🙂

NutritionMadeClearNutrition Made Clear with Prof. Roberta H. Anding, Registered Dietician, Dir. of Sports Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital

There’s a TON of information here, and some of it is simply over our heads for the amount of time we have the priority of this course in our overall academic plans for the year.  It’s college-level material, but Prof. Anding presents it in a very easy-to-listen-to style and makes much of it completely understandable for our high school students.

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