Budgeting, an Overview of US Geography, and Avoiding Injury

budgetworksheetNovember 15, 2013 saw us scrambling a bit because Sabrina had just finished hosting a wedding for Jonah’s older brother Jake and his lovely bride Leigha…in the back yard!  The chaos of wedding preparation made co-op move to a lower priority than was perhaps ideal, but we ended up with a good day of learning and discussion anyway.

Budgets were the economic focus of the day!  Instead of trying to set a cookie-cutter approach down on paper (i.e. “Everyone should spend and save THIS way to be good and productive members of society.”), we spent two hours exploring budgeting in the global sense:

* God-ordained priorities (we have been given stewardship over every area of our lives…our money, our time, our health, our relationships, and so forth)

* There are many different ways of stewarding our tangible resources well.

*Varying personalities make varied approaches to spending and saving work.

The moms took turns sharing our families’ approaches to budgeting, and even among the three of us there were marked differences in our choices, but a core agreement that being THOUGHTFUL, PRAYERFUL, AND TEACHABLE regarding our finances is vital for success.

Kendall, Jillian, Connor, Jonah and Carlie shared information they’d researched for homework about the United States in terms of

  • Water
  • Languages
  • Topography
  • Natural Resources, and
  • Urban Areas.

Our Fitness Physiology DVD lecture was on Avoiding Injury, and Karen’s training as a Physical Therapist came in SUPER-handy as we learned good ways to stretch and strengthen weak joints.

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