Income, Freakish Weather, Hydration, Weird Customs, and Recovery

Since our last co-op meeting, we’ve been doing follow-up on a wide range of topics!

photo (2)Economics:  On the micro-level (personal finance), we learned about different kinds of income….salary, wages, self-employment, & commissions.  On the macro-level, we learned about economic systems traditional/barter, free market/capital, and command.

Fitness Physiology and Nutrition made us thirsty — ’cause hydration is what it’s all about!  “Is everything Claritin-clear???” (when you visit the bathroom???)  Recovery after a workout is important so your muscles can repair themselves.  Did you know that you should ideally drink 1/2 – 1 oz. of water for each pound of body weight every day?

Geography focused on Physical Geography, and we learned about the most common types of maps — climate, topographical, political/economic, and road.  Homework this week had us researching freak weather:  monsoons, cyclones and tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, dirt devils and waterspouts.

And today we are all together for a full day of co-op stuff —

Classes, food, lecture dvd’s, activities, more food, money, cooking international food, and watching a Geography movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” while we eat spanikopita.

Don’t you wish you were here?

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