Setting Goals, Laying a Foundation

coop1091313 –

We started with a little technology time, choosing, resizing and compressing the file size on our bio pictures for the blog.

Consumer Math found us sharing answers to the following questions from last week’s homework:

hw consmath 1A Nutrition lecture (DVD series from The Great Courses) followed, and we were delighted to learn about our often-under-appreciated digestive tract.  Dumping Syndrome and Constipation were highlights of the topic.  Oh, my.  Lunch followed (naturally!).

After lunch we covered Geography sharing our findings about definitions for Geography and Economics, sharing cool facts about Physical Geography and Climate, and sharing a custom from another country.

The bulk of our time this week was spent on our personal fitness evaluations.  Each of us (moms, too) shared personal fitness and nutrition goals for the coming year, and we completed a comprehensive fitness evaluation (from the DVD lecture materials we’re using from The Great Courses).  Cardio test on the step in the back yard, push-ups and sit-ups, flexibility test, skin calipers to measure percentage of body fat….OY!  We charted our results to form a base line.  Let’s see how much we can all improve our wellness over this school year!

Okay, y’all:

What part of the Fitness Evaluation was the most challenging to you?

What part of Co-op did you most enjoy this week?

Click “Leave a Reply” at the top of this post!

6 thoughts on “Setting Goals, Laying a Foundation

  1. Jonah

    The most challenging part of the fitness evaluation for me was the sit ups because I don’t know why we were doing them timed as opposed to how many we could do. i enjoyed the tests, i thought they were fun.

  2. Kendall

    I thought the hardest part of the fitness evaluation was the push ups. My favorite part was watching Connor and Jonah try to eat a raw egg. Jonah failed.

  3. Connor

    I thought the push-ups were the hardest part of the test, even though I did better in them then the sit-ups (to my surprise). Throwing a giant metal pole was my favorite part of co-op. Eating a raw egg was my least favorite. Shocking, I know.

  4. Jillian

    The hardest part for me was trying to figure out Connor’s metronome. The best part was when I finally figured out how to turn it on and off!

  5. Carlie

    The hardest part of the evaluation was when they had to pinch my arm skin for the body fat test. The most fun part was getting see how many push ups i could do. They were girl push ups but i did 46 of them woo!


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