Welcome to our Co-op!

Homeschool High School Geography and Economics CoOpThis year in our homeschool co-op, our high school students are studying Geography and Economics, with a little Consumer Math thrown in there (that’s personal microeconomics, you know!).

We are also studying Fitness and Nutrition Science using a DVD lecture series and lots of personal application.

We’ve decided to use a collaborative blog to track our learning, our projects, resources we found helpful, our own observations and the like.  Visit our “About Us” page to learn more about the students and the moms in our co-op.

Feel free to sit in, won’t you?

1 thought on “Welcome to our Co-op!

  1. audragarciasda

    What a wonderful idea to have students lead! They are our next leaders anyway. I’d like to know more about how credits are being tracked and recorded. Is each family in the co-op responsible for their own record keeping or are you all associated with an umbrella school (private or public).

    Keep up the good fun work!
    Homeschool Mommy to an 8th and 2nd grader.


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